Aley, as we’ve seen before, has a bit of a tendency to feel sorry for him/herself. And the fact that s/he can’t bween his/her problems away probably isn’t going to help.
Also, this is the first time in a while we’ve seen Cyril without his robes on! Remember when he used to look like that all the time?
This comment precedes all others.
Jeff Pingas: Biggest ball of suck
Le hipsters omg: lol this guy be so cool he use the hashtags
Jeff Pingas (again): what are you saying it makes no sense to me at all I hope you can read this
The fire prince: I have no idea what is going on but I will comment anyways
And me: I hope that helped everyone who was too stupid to figure it out themselves
Aww, aley can’t bween the door….
Also I think Aley is more female honestly, guys don’t usually talk like the way Aley did in this one
Either that or they have both parts… Jesse if that is true, I don’t want to know :3
or neither
Aleys gender is comedy.
he’s a guy definitely!
I think Aley’s gender changes to what mood she’s in.
How did Aley get in the cell if the door was locked?
probably just flied thru the bars
Did you play Zelda 2:The Adventure of Link?
Because in that game, you could turn into a fairy and fly through locked doors, it wasn’t a glitch, but an underused feature, very useful for speedruns.
@pix12 nah man, definitely Zelda Logic 😛
Overlooked that. Nice catch
go to ad on the bottom of page please
But he/she is a fairy. Do fairies count as people?
…Am I being racist?
More like speciest
Specieim and Racism are the same thing.
The door has 120% laser resistance. Keep trying, Aley.
Does that mean the door gets stronger by 20% every time it gets BWEEEENed?
Don’t question re-logic logic! It’s 120% BWEEN proof because science and thingguypersondaisyblooperturtlechairmoocatnounwafflespancakescowsvegetablescooterpointyfingerthngmuffinzpoop (God I haven’t said that in forever)
@PL45M4 D3V45T4T0R I am 120% sure you made that up
Aley: Bween!
Maxx: Nice try Aley… I hate my life
That’s what you get for going in the dungeon before killing Skeletron.
But the old man wasn’t there when they got there. Also they would of seen him on the way in if he wandered a wee bit away from the Dungeon.
If you think about it, this may not even be the same dungeon, since it’s full of Naiad rather than the undead.
The question is why doesn’t he have his robes? So he can’t use magic?
Hannah took them to take care of Cyril
That is a strong door
whoever made that is hardcore.
The Mechanic sure must have been using strange materials for that door to withstand a ‘BWEEN’…
Naiad materials : immune to Dryads, Faerie and Djinn.
Or at least Dryad and Fairy proof, most likely, we don’t know what side the Djnn were on during the war. Judging by the fact June tolerated Aley, , I’m guessing the Fairies and Dryad were on the same side.
I thought June only tolerated Aley because of the booze.
At least that’s what elder Willow implied.
In one comic, June said that the Djinn were cool and that she’d met a few, so I’m guessing they weren’t involved in the war
What Jesse’s probably going to do is just get maxx to go “this darn door” and throw himself at the doorknob fully expecting 5 hours of unceasing wrestling with the doorknob with no success whatsoever and the door will just open and they’ll be like “oh.”
Either that, or June’s going to come and scare the guards with a nyan cat made of dirt. Then she’ll get them to open the door and in the meantime criticize me about my run-on sentence. LOL
Oh, wait. Is there a doorknob?
Don’t worry, maxx.
That’s just god in door form.
omg how did you know D:
If a BWEEN cant do it only one thing can… more bunneys.
This is where jesse introduces a new character.
He alredy did
no no a new character that isn’t in jail
looks like that`s where i come in >:) <– note: this isnt an evil face its supposed to be a game face….
Aley can’t do much 🙂
How did Aley get in the cell? Just sayin.
Yes she is.
Sparta? This is PATRICK
googd try, Aley.
And then Hannah just cuts the door down with her axe.
It is wood, right?
It’s probably dryad flesh.
And hardened marmite
If it’s BWEEN resistant, probably not.
Just because something’s bullet proof doesn’t mean it’s hammer-proof. Replace Bullet with Aley’s Laser and Hammer with Hannah’s Axe.
No, only one thing can destroy it. The Real Hammush!
Marmite is terrible. That’s why it’s so good. ‘Member asdfmite? That’s why it’s BWEEEEN proof.
Huh, guess that door IS a trap… Sorta…
When I saw he gauze wrapped around him I thought it was his ribcage…
Same here…
”Also, this is the first time in a while we’ve seen Cyril without his robes on! Remember when he used to look like that all the time?”
Mortally wounded, patched up with nothing but bandage and crouching in a corner wondering why he got up in the morning?
how did aley get in, in the first place?
He slipped thru as before mentioned
help ! we need the hammush !
How did he even get in the cell if it was locked?
shhh he did logic 🙁 =!= 🙁 logic
I have been thinking about this for a while, but has anyone realized that Maxx’s shirt has changed from when the comic first came into existence?
i just did
Umm if aley can’t get out then how did he get in I have never seen him go through doors and walls before
It’s called illogical logic man
so xane does have a pony tail in his hair….
Yes, yes he does.
You know, the reason this is the best comic ever is because of the Hammush. THE HAMMUSH. IT WAS TURNED CANON.
The sprites look… Updated, is it just me or do they look even better
nah maybe its because the sprites got squished when june……..punched him in the face
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If you thought Cyril would have healing magic clap your hands :V
They were really thinking ahead when they made that door.
I wonder how much those lazer-proof doors cost…