This comic was originally going to be another Flower/Cyril comic, but I figured it wasn’t enough to warrant its own existence. In a way, it’s funnier to see the argument from Maxx and Hannah’s perspective, and have to fill in Flower’s dialogue for yourself.
Cyril ends up being carried a lot of places, doesn’t he?
Gosh, love those people who leave a tiny replies to be first.
At least he didn’t say “first”
Why isn’t flower responding here
You are welcome.
That’s what I get… I posted and forgot to change my name to flower. INEXCUSABLE FOLLY.
“The Doctor”: the flower isn’t responding because this comic is from maxx and Hannah’s view. They cannot hear the flower, so to them it looks like Cyril is just crazy and is talking to himself
thanks Boss. wait, your not my boss i’m your boss
Actually, Boss, they know that flower is in his head…
Sometimes it really sucks to be possessed by a magical flower. (Luckily this does not come up in real life… much. Generally it involves some pretty intense psychiatric care when it does.)
Well… if it turns out that voice you are talking to is telling you to harm/kill people or yourself then yes.
But talking to yourself isn’t exactly an indication of mental disorder. Some people, like myself, like to think out loud. Obviously when you think out loud it can seem like you are talking to someone. Sometimes, as a result of this, people who don’t know any better take this as a sign of the person having some mental issue and that person gets sent to somewhere for mental help when they don’t need it.
I sense some deeply buried emotional turmoil. You should probably go get help.
We’re already in the mental rehabilitation; do you want him to get ANOTHER lobotomy?
If you are, by “mental rehab”, referring to the internet, then I highly recomend more of those internet “lobotomies”. A person can never have enough
true that
Poor Maxx, hearing Cyril’s constant blabbering.
actually 4th place is nickle
Wrong comment to reply to
4th darn I got the plastic trophie
Dungeon, here we come! Or whatever the Naiad base is.
Hebetudinous=stupid, for those wondering. Also, grass! We are officially out of the snow biome!
not officially!! look at the background!
That’s bad though… Naiad are water people, aka snow. It’d be best to stay in snowy places if you wanna find them
They’re going to the ocean (or the dungeon, which is always near the ocean)
Hebetudinous means:
the state of being dull; lethargy.
Interesting words, Cyril
I still want to know why wizards can’t marry?
Cuz flower said so
That is never a reason.
It’s because a wife or children would make perfect hostages.
Poor maxx. Has to carry Cyril along the walk
Poor Cyril. gets mauled by zombies, crushed by a dirt fist, pestered by a blue flower,
Frozen, Ignited. the list goes on.
he will also die by maxxs hand 😀
gets attacked by birds
Cyril is just like a baggage. he can’t carry stuff. but he talks.that’s way better,i guess.
That’s the opposite of baggage… Baggage can carry stuff, and it doesn’t talk… ME NO GET WUT U SAYYYYYYY
No, he is stating what Cyril has in common with a piece of baggage(he is carried around) AS WELL as the differences between Cyril and a piece of baggage(he talks and he doesn’t carry stuff around). Sorry but I felt like being a correction wizard. P:
The Flower Commentary:
Magic would happen.
That’s because it’s magic! Its about runes and learning and attacks and levels and other things a wizard would dedicate his life to.
(This sentence comes before Cyril’s comment after ‘later’)
Because of your big vocabulary of stuff I already know like spacious and insufferable.
Have you ever heard of floccinaucinihilipilification? I think it’s about you.
Also I forgot the one inbetween 1 and 2 but i’m too bored to write it.
Yet you aren’t LAZY (not bored) enough to write this?
You have a point.
That’s about how I saw it
XD This is great…gotta love how Cyril is just okay with continuing arguing while they carry him XD
Good comic I hadn’t read this in forever
@Jesse (I’m posting this here because Twitter keeps restricting me to the character limit), This issue has been occurring for me ever since Comic #385 comes out, There seems be an issue with the site updating what the “Last Comic” is. The buttons stay locked, And it’s inaccessible to reach the last panel. (
If it’s an important factor towards this issue, I’ve always been loading the comic from this bookmark:
Click on the banner at the top, it always takes you to the latest comic
They only carry Cyril’s body. His brain is somewhere with flower.
Hebetude: mental dullness or lethargy… thanks Cyril i learned a new thing today.
As usual nice comic Jesse!
If he knows fireball…then…wow,Cyril’s level 20 already!
Im confused whats all this stuff about levels and bunny storm?
I think fireball is the “bomf” spell from when they formed a mutiny against the pirate captain.
Awesome comic as always. Now I wonder: Will they ever come across the Crimson on their adventure?
Didn’t they already discover the Corruption to fight the Eater?
If so, then it depends if Jesse decides to mix Terraria ‘lore’ and have both
Yeah i really hope crimson comes into the story at some point.Also with the introduction of crimson the gossmar sword is pointless because there is now the blood butcherer.So idk what you want to do jesse but i hope you add the crimson:)
Jesse wouldn’t change the canon of the comic just to suit Terraria’s updates. I doubt we’ll see the Crimson, at least not anytime soon.
Crimson has been in terraria for a while…. so I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Another argument that is made extremely awkward because no one can hear the flower!!
I thought that Maxx was going to steal Dark Lance
Yeah me too i wonder if jesse forgot…or maybe max stole it anyway after the wedding along with all the gold lol.
But how would Maxx carry it? In the following way: Hmmm, maybe I should take some of this gold. And that purple sword thingy! IT MAY GIVE ME DEMON POWERS IF I EAT IT!!!! Maybe if I put it in my mouth along with the gold, I can get EXTRA POWERS!!!!!! YEAAAAA!!!!
Ooooh, Hannah’s keeping her battle gear on. Nice! It looks pretty cool actually, I’d be happy with her keeping it for a long time.
Can you let maxx fight skeletron in a comic
Yes of course he will fight skeletron he might even be going there now its just a matter of time and waiting.Be patient all of the bosses from prehard mode will be fought sooner or later,maby even the hardmode bosses.:)
They MIGHT be going there. If the jungle was that way >>> (I don’t remember the direction) then they might be, but if the jungle was that way <<< then they can't be going because Skeletron's Castle is on the opposite side of the jungle.
They have already been to the Jungle. It’s the reason why Maxx has a Blade of Grass. They are walking in the opposite direction of the Jungle because Maxx figured that because the Naiad and Dryad are enemies, they would try to live in the opposite direction of each other and preferably as far from each other as possible.
Just… No. NO NO NO
Second! 😀
I dont see how either of you got close to first or second unless yours trolls.
What are those white dots all around panels 5, 6, and 7?
Aley should sing in next comic. It’s nice change from Cyril’s and Flower’s arguing.
Alley Should Be The Only One That Needs To Worry, She Is The Only One Who Can Perish.
At least they’re out of that whopping great mountain
This is the true explanation for schizophrenia.
“Doctor, he’s insane, he’s talking to imaginary people, to voices in his head!”
“No, nurse… he’s been possessed by a talking flower which is only audible to him!”
All of this drama because they ran away from a horde of Snow Flinxes. That’s crazy.
… I still freaking hate you, by the way.
ALL OF MY HATE! (And tears… ; ; )
Cyril is so confusing