From Wikipedia:

“In Norse mythology, Veðrfölnir (Old Norse “storm pale,” “wind bleached”, or “wind-witherer”) is a hawk sitting between the eyes of an unnamed eagle that is perched on top of the world tree Yggdrasil.”

A big thanks to LoM fan William (aka Purpur) who provided the Swedish translation for Ina’s ‘proverb’. Much appreciated!

I wasn’t sure which language I should have Ina speak – honestly, the one that makes the most sense is Old Norse, and I had a feeling I would have a hard time finding someone willing to translate that.

Speaking of Nordic things, my wedding is now less than 3 weeks away – and after the wedding, we’ll be heading off to Iceland for two weeks! All that to say that it may be a while (again) before another comic shows up – but show up it will. Until then, take care!
