Wow, June’s interview may have been the most revealing of all so far. Her parents took forever to sprite, but I think the result is worth it. I was trying to channel Lord Gwyn for Junedad.

My next guest will be, as you may have been able to guess, Cyril the guide/wizard! This marks the fifth interview and the last of the main characters’, so in addition to posting questions for Cyril, I’d like to hear your responses to another question:

If I’m not completely finished with 1.2 by the time Cyril’s interview is over, would you rather I continue these interviews with certain secondary characters until I am done, or get back to the comic proper? I’ve reached a point in 1.2 now where I’d be comfortable jumping back into the comic, but if there are characters you really want to see interviewed, and you’re not sick of the interviews yet, I may host one or two more.

Left to myself, I’d rather continue the comic. But since there are benefits either way, I’d like to hear your feedback on this.

For now, thanks to everyone for your continued participation and enthusiasm for posting questions! These interviews quite literally couldn’t have happened without your input.
