Well, June and Maxx’s relationship has gotten off to a good start. He has no idea how close to death he just came, and I’m not talking about the chasm.
Sorry my posts/Twitter/comments have been sparse lately– lots of changes going on! I can’t promise that I’ll be getting any more verbose in the near future, but if all goes well I’ll at least stop missing so many darn comics XP
Note to self: Add “sassing June” to the list of stupid things that Maxx has done that could very easily get him killed.
i call june haveing red eyes again… and also hopeing june gets hurt badly
Heh. I want to see how long it takes for Maxx to piss off June. That may actually happen at the next strip.
He already did that…
Correction: Piss off AGAIN.
somebody needs to add some evil quotes to the dryad on the legend of maxx mod xD
I can do that one I find the npc source code….. I haven’t yet because of that 🙁
aaand how much you wanna bet he lands on an orb in that chasm and breaks it~?
Yes! Yes!
Isn’t the first one you break the goblin army?
yes, I think it is
The first orb always yields a Musket and ammo too. Lucky Maxx.
Considering that Maxx is deadly with just about anything (Not necessarily in a good way), it is very unlucky for him to find a musket. Even worse if he finds a [Insert corruption item here].
When you break a ceartin amount the chance of getting a golbin army will appear but there is no defintie possibiltie it will be true
He sees all the important stuff guys!
That must mean the chasm isn’t important, right?
And this is where he breaks the helmet…
…on a orb, spawning another boss.
he needs to break 3 to summon eater unless the game glitches out and hte eater spawns right on the first
i forgot what the house and pub looks like 🙁
they are all on the wiki
No Problem
Wow,lots of changes here,both the comic and with the fans.
Jesse is there a way I could contact you?
Never mind,I found the email.
Vile Hammush?
I would love to mod that haha 😀
Let’s see what Jesse has in store for us…
Okay and another 3 hole to fall into now 😛
isn’t just another 2 chasms?
It’s great that June thinks she’s all scary and powerful and controlling and Maxx is like “Whatever!”
Maxx hasn’t seen June yet, and assumes she’s some scary tree/demon/whatever else. When that helmet breaks, it will be an interesting comic…
You knew the truth back in january.
Is Maxx okay? on the fifth panel, his arm seems to be dislodged from his shoulder.